License Terms and Conditions
SimpleHelp Copyright (c) 2025 by SimpleHelp
SimpleHelp Ltd reserved all rights granted in this license agreement.
SimpleHelp Ltd reserved all rights granted in this license agreement.
Your Agreement to this License
By using, copying, transmitting, distributing or installing SimpleHelp, you agree to all of the terms of this agreement ("License").
Please read the license terms below. If you do not agree to all of the terms of this License, then do not use, copy, transmit, distribute, or install SimpleHelp.
Please read the license terms below. If you do not agree to all of the terms of this License, then do not use, copy, transmit, distribute, or install SimpleHelp.
Scope of this License
All rights of any kind in SimpleHelp which are not expressly granted in this License are entirely and exclusively reserved to and by SimpleHelp.
Warranty Disclaimers and Liability Limitations
SimpleHelp, and any and all accompanying software, files, data and materials, are distributed and provided "AS IS" and with no warranties of any kind, whether express or implied. You acknowledge that good data processing procedure dictates that any program, including SimpleHelp, must be thoroughly tested with non-critical data before you rely on it, and you hereby assume the entire risk of using the program. This disclaimer of warranty constitutes an essential part of this License.
In no event shall the authors, developers or distributors of this software be liable for damages, including any general, special, incidental, or consequential damages arising from the use or inability to use the software (including but not limited to the loss of data or being rendered inaccurate or losses sustained by you or third parties or failure of the software to operate with any other products), even if such holder or other party has been advised of the possibility of such damages.
In addition, in no event are you authorised to use SimpleHelp in applications or systems where SimpleHelp's failure to perform can reasonably be expected to result in a significant physical injury, or in loss of life. Any such use by you is entirely at your own risk, and you agree to hold the authors, developers and distributors harmless from any and all claims or losses relating to such unauthorised use.
In no event shall the authors, developers or distributors of this software be liable for damages, including any general, special, incidental, or consequential damages arising from the use or inability to use the software (including but not limited to the loss of data or being rendered inaccurate or losses sustained by you or third parties or failure of the software to operate with any other products), even if such holder or other party has been advised of the possibility of such damages.
In addition, in no event are you authorised to use SimpleHelp in applications or systems where SimpleHelp's failure to perform can reasonably be expected to result in a significant physical injury, or in loss of life. Any such use by you is entirely at your own risk, and you agree to hold the authors, developers and distributors harmless from any and all claims or losses relating to such unauthorised use.
Installation, Usage and Reselling
Purchasing a SimpleHelp license allows you to install the license on the specified number of SimpleHelp servers owned by the purchasing organisation or individual. If your organisation wishes to run more than two concurrent SimpleHelp servers you must hold an Enterprise license.
You may not resell any purchased license. You may not provide your license to any other organisations or individuals for their own use or for any other reason. You may not install your purchased license on SimpleHelp servers owned or operated by other organisations or individuals.
The technician client component of your SimpleHelp server may be used only by parties employed by or performing work for you with one exception:
If your license does not have unlimited sessions then you may provide access to your SimpleHelp server via the technician account exclusively for the purposes of remote access (not on demand remote support).
Any technician accounts used by 3rd parties not employed by or performing work for you must be part of a technician group that is configured to allow only remote access (the group permissions must be set to disallow remote support, remote presentations or any other usage other than remote access).
If your license does have unlimited sessions and you would like to offer 3rd party remote access please contact us.
If you are offering 3rd party remote access and charging for (reselling) its usage directly or as part of a paid service then your license must be in a valid support period.
In order to check its public availability, check updates and perform other functions not essential to the running of your server, your SimpleHelp server may query pages on the website. In making these checks certain information may be transferred (e.g. your external IP address) but none of the information transferred will expose any details about individual machines or sessions. You may block these non-essential functions using firewall rules or similar and it will not affect the running of your server.
SimpleHelp, SimpleSetup and other software downloaded from our website may contain a bundled Java virtual machine. You must check that Oracle allows the download and use of Java in your country before downloading from our site -
You may not resell any purchased license. You may not provide your license to any other organisations or individuals for their own use or for any other reason. You may not install your purchased license on SimpleHelp servers owned or operated by other organisations or individuals.
The technician client component of your SimpleHelp server may be used only by parties employed by or performing work for you with one exception:
If your license does not have unlimited sessions then you may provide access to your SimpleHelp server via the technician account exclusively for the purposes of remote access (not on demand remote support).
Any technician accounts used by 3rd parties not employed by or performing work for you must be part of a technician group that is configured to allow only remote access (the group permissions must be set to disallow remote support, remote presentations or any other usage other than remote access).
If your license does have unlimited sessions and you would like to offer 3rd party remote access please contact us.
If you are offering 3rd party remote access and charging for (reselling) its usage directly or as part of a paid service then your license must be in a valid support period.
In order to check its public availability, check updates and perform other functions not essential to the running of your server, your SimpleHelp server may query pages on the website. In making these checks certain information may be transferred (e.g. your external IP address) but none of the information transferred will expose any details about individual machines or sessions. You may block these non-essential functions using firewall rules or similar and it will not affect the running of your server.
SimpleHelp, SimpleSetup and other software downloaded from our website may contain a bundled Java virtual machine. You must check that Oracle allows the download and use of Java in your country before downloading from our site -
We will deliver your license to the email address you provide within 48 hours.
Refunds, Replacement and Cancellation
You may cancel your order at any point up until your license is sent out or payment is taken, whichever is sooner.
Un-sealed computer software is exempt from cancellation under the terms of the Consumer Protection (Distance Selling) Regulations 2000. We are therefore unable to refund any purchase after a license has been sent out. Please ensure that you have trialled the software fully and are comfortable it meets your needs before purchasing.
If you lose your license you may contact us via our website to request that a new copy be sent out to your email address. We cannot guarantee to keep licenses on file for more than 30 days from your purchase and we therefore cannot guarantee to send you a replacement copy beyond 30 days from your purchase.
Un-sealed computer software is exempt from cancellation under the terms of the Consumer Protection (Distance Selling) Regulations 2000. We are therefore unable to refund any purchase after a license has been sent out. Please ensure that you have trialled the software fully and are comfortable it meets your needs before purchasing.
If you lose your license you may contact us via our website to request that a new copy be sent out to your email address. We cannot guarantee to keep licenses on file for more than 30 days from your purchase and we therefore cannot guarantee to send you a replacement copy beyond 30 days from your purchase.
Support and Updates
Support and updates are charged and managed as described on our website. Support is email based but we may escalate to telephone support if we believe it necessary.
We may change terms and conditions and pricing for updates and support at any time without prior notice.
We may change terms and conditions and pricing for updates and support at any time without prior notice.
This License is the complete statement of the agreement between the parties on the subject matter, and merges and supersedes all other or prior understandings, purchase orders, agreements and arrangements. This License shall be governed by the laws of Scotland (UK). Exclusive jurisdiction and venue for all matters relating to this License shall be in courts and fora located in Scotland (UK), and you consent to such jurisdiction and venue. There are no third party beneficiaries of any promises, obligations or representations made by SimpleHelp Ltd herein. Any waiver by SimpleHelp Ltd of any violation of this License by you shall not constitute or contribute to a waiver of any other or future violation by you of the same provision, or any other provision, of this License.
In requesting, purchasing or using a SimpleHelp license or SimpleHelp product you agree to abide by any and all export laws and sanctions of both the United Kingdom and United States of America.
Copyright (c) 2025 by SimpleHelp Ltd. All rights reserved.
In requesting, purchasing or using a SimpleHelp license or SimpleHelp product you agree to abide by any and all export laws and sanctions of both the United Kingdom and United States of America.
Copyright (c) 2025 by SimpleHelp Ltd. All rights reserved.