Remote Access Connection Issues

Remote Access services pick up and store a secure cryptographic ID for your SimpleHelp server. This ensures that if anyone tries to intercept the communications and spoof (pretend to be) your server your Remote Access service will refuse to share data and will provide data and access only to your server.

If you update your SimpleHelp server and do not copy over or retain the serverkeys.dat file in the configuration folder your server will create a new secure ID. This will work fine with services installed using a newly-downloaded Remote Access installer but:

  • Remote Access services installed using a previously downloaded executable will refuse to connect and register with a SG_xxxx... name
  • Existing Remote Access services will refuse to allow connections or share data resulting in stagnant monitoring results and connections not being patched through

To fix this you should:

  • Backup your current server configuration folder
  • Take the serverkeys.dat file from a previous server config backup and overwrite the one in your new server
  • Restart your SimpleHelp server

Your new server will now be using the secure ID that previous services recognise which will mean they will accept connections and share monitoring data.

As of SimpleHelp v4.3 a warning also appears in the technician console notifying the technician that the Remote Access Service no longer trusts the SimpleHelp server. See this document for more details.