Daemon Installation on macOS
To install SimpleHelp Server as a service which will start whenever the machine starts up (e.g. after a reboot) you will need to install SimpleHelp Server as an Application.
You can find the necessary files suitable for the latest version of SimpleHelp at https://simple-help.com/static/SimpleHelp_Launcher.zip
Once you have downloaded the zip file you can open it to see the files inside.
You should then take the following steps:
- Copy the SimpleHelp Server installation folder into the Applications folder on your disk (/Applications)
- Copy the SimpleHelpLaunch.sh file into the SimpleHelp folder inside your Applications folder (/Applications/SimpleHelp)
- Copy the com.simplehelp.launchd.plist into the LaunchDaemons folder under the Libary folder on your disk (/Library/LaunchDaemons), NOTE: this should be the system Library folder, not the user Library folder
- Change the ownership to 'root' and group to 'wheel' of com.simplehelp.launchd.plist via the following command (you may need to enter your password): sudo chown root:wheel /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.simplehelp.launchd.plist
Now, when the system is restarted SimpleHelp will automatically execute in the background. SimpleHelp will also shut down cleanly when the machine is shut down.
If you wish the start and stop the SimpleHelp server manually you can do so from a terminal using the following commands:
- (to start the SimpleHelp server...) launchctl load /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.simplehelp.launchd.plist
- (to stop the SimpleHelp server...) launchctl unload /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.simplehelp.launchd.plist